Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate, specifically Healthcare Real Estate, is more complicated than running a simple transaction. Many factors need to be considered that may lead to a gain or loss of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. With that much at stake, it’s important to have a qualified broker take you through the process step-by-step and make sure you have the right supporting team members around you. We have several years of experience and are happy to put it to work to give you peace of mind that you have every base covered regarding your real estate needs.

Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate, specifically Healthcare Real Estate, is more complicated than running a simple transaction. Many factors need to be considered that may lead to a gain or loss of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. With that much at stake, it’s important to have a qualified broker take you through the process step-by-step and make sure you have the right supporting team members around you. We have several years of experience and are happy to put it to work to give you peace of mind that you have every base covered regarding your real estate needs.

Grow Your Practice

Through Real Estate

Practice Transition

(When Seller Owns the Real Estate)

When purchasing a practice where the seller owns the real estate, there are a handful of options available to both the buyer and the seller. Harvest Transitions has the expertise and experience necessary to choose the best option and make sure both parties walk away with their short-term and long-term goals met. 

Our Fair Market Evaluation will help set up a purchase price and/or lease rate that will be market and industry specific. We also make sure that the real estate pricing doesn’t negatively impacting the practice’s cash flow. You can trust that we’ll find the best solution for any situation.

Practice Transition

(When Seller Leases the Real Estate)

When purchasing a practice where the seller leases the real estate, it’s very important to review the current lease and know what terms are currently in place before having it assigned. We will do a lease analysis for you and review those important factors with you. Once we know what the current lease terms are in comparison to the current market, we can determine if there are any negotiable terms we need to address. With that, it may be beneficial for us to negotiate a new lease to maximize your practice’s lease terms.


Commercial Real Estate ownership has many advantages whether you’re looking to purchase a space and relocate your practice or purchase the space your practice is currently leasing. You get to be your own landlord, make all updating and upgrading decisions, some great tax incentives, and help diversify your financial portfolio with a solid long-term investment. 

We can help in the early planning stages by putting together a purchase vs. lease comparison to make sure that ownership is the right decision for you in the long-term. Once we know that purchasing real estate is the best option, we walk you through finding the right location, running a purchase analysis to compare options in a clear side-by-side manner, connecting you to the right team for financing, design, and construction, putting together the purchase agreement, and walking you through the whole due diligence process. 


When purchasing a space isn’t the right option for your practice, you should maximize the opportunity to leverage someone else’s money to build, expand, or relocate your practice. There are several factors involved in negotiating a lease and Landlords are in the commercial real estate world to maximize their profits and bottom line every day. Lease negotiations can swing lease terms tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have the experience and expertise to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of. 

Harvest Transitions can help you save money from the very beginning as the negotiations begin with the very first phone call to the landlord or listing agent. We will help you find the best locations, negotiate the best terms possible, and get you connected to the right team of lenders, designers, contractors, and an attorney to support you through the whole process from start to finish. 

Best of all, your professional real estate representation is at no additional cost to you. 

Contact us today so we can help you make your next commercial real estate move!